Do you have a Gordmans credit card that you are receiving calls about? Are debt collectors hounding you for money? You have a right to tell them to stop; however, they may continue. It’s important to talk to a consumer rights attorney who can protect you and make the calls stop.
Attorney Paul Mankin is familiar with Comenity Capital Bank, which owns and manages Gordmans credit card accounts. He has faced them in many cases. Attorney Mankin is not afraid to tell Comenity Bank to stop calling and respect your consumer rights. Call Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC today at 800-219-3577 to schedule a case consultation.
Who Is Gordmans?
Gordmans is a clothing retailer for the whole family. They also sell footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty products, and housewares.
It was originally founded in 1915 in Omaha, Nebraska. Today, the chain is owned by BrandX. There were once close to 700 Gordmans and Gordmans owned stores, including Stage stores, located in 42 states. However, Stage stores were liquidated in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2020. BrandX announced that it intends on bringing Gordmans and other brands it owns back by 2023.
Why Is Comenity Bank Calling About My Gordmans Credit Card?
Gordmans credit card accounts are actually owned and managed by Comenity Capital Bank. If you fall behind on payments, Comenity Bank will call you in an attempt to recover the debt. They may also hire third-party debt collectors to try to get money from you.
If they are unsuccessful, Comenity Bank may sell your Gordmans debt to a third party for pennies on the dollar. That third party will have the same rights to collect on your Gordmans debt as Comenity Bank.
However, Comenity Bank and third-party debt collectors cannot legally violate your consumer rights by harassing you. If you are treated poorly by creditors, you should reach out to a consumer rights lawyer. Attorney Paul Mankin can help. Call him at 800-219-3577 today.
Avoid These Actions If a Debt Collector Calls You
When debt collectors call you to pay your Gordmans credit card, you should know how to respond. A poor response could put you in an even worse position.
- Never give them your personal financial information.
Do not give Gordmans debt collectors your account numbers, even if you are making a payment. Opt for other methods of payment, including online payment through a secure portal.
- Do not give out your social security number.
If someone calls you and asks you to confirm your social security number, you should immediately hang up. Debt collectors do not need your SSN to process your account information.
- Do not accept any payment offers they make.
The Gordmans bill collector may make you a “good faith” payment offer. They will likely tell you it’s the only way to avoid a lawsuit. Don’t believe them. You should never make a secondary financial agreement without getting legal advice.
How Does Gordmans Violate Consumers’ Rights?
Comenity Bank and third-party debt collectors often violate the rights of consumers who have Gordmans credit cards. They often act illegally, in violation of state and federal laws like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA).
Some actions Comenity Bank and others take that are illegal include:
- Speaking inappropriately to debtors
- Using abusive or obscene language on phone calls
- Making false claims that a lawsuit will be filed
- Calling an unreasonable number of times
- Calling extremely early or late (before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.)
- Discussing debt with unauthorized parties
Although these activities are illegal, creditors use them frequently when trying to collect debts. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that they receive more than 200,000 complaints annually about harassment by debt collectors.
State and Federal Laws Protect Consumers Who Have Debt
Even if you are past due on a debt, you have rights according to state and federal laws. Those laws include the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Many states also have consumer protection laws, such as California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA).
- FDCPA – This federal law prohibits unfair debt collection practices against consumers. Violations should be reported to the FTC. Under this law, debtors can get statutory compensation if they are harassed.
- TCPA – This federal law prohibits harassment by marketers and debt collectors who use telephones. It also allows the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to operate the national Do-Not-Call List.
- RFDCPA –This law protects California residents who have Gordmans credit cards. It requires debt collectors to treat debtors will honesty and fairness. Debtors can also get compensation as well as emotional damages under the RFDCPA.
How Much Money Is My Gordmans Credit Card Lawsuit Worth?
If you’ve been harassed by Comenity Bank and their third-party collection agencies about your Gordmans credit card account, you may be entitled to compensation. You can get money based on:
- The exact nature of the legal violations by the creditors
- The number of legal violations by the creditors
- Your actual damages
Under federal law like the FDCPA, you can get up to $1,000 in statutory damages. The creditors who harassed you will also have to pay your attorney fees and court costs. California’s RFDCPA allows for statutory compensation as well. You can also get damages for emotional distress. In fact, some plaintiffs have received up to $300,000 in emotional damages caused by creditor harassment.
Contact a Gordmans Credit Card Harassment Lawyer Today
You may not have used your Gordmans credit card in years, especially since many stores closed. However, you still owe the debt you incurred with Comenity Bank, the account owner. Even if you are behind on payments, they do not have a right to harass you in an attempt to get money.
If Comenity Bank or a third-party collection agency violates your consumer rights, you should immediately contact a lawyer who can make the calls stop and help you get compensation. Attorney Paul Mankin is here for you. Call Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC today at 800-219-3577 to schedule a case consultation.