The Law Office of Paul Mankin

Are You Dealing with Z Gallerie Debt Harassment from Comenity Bank?

Do you have a Z Gallerie credit card that is behind on payments? Are you facing harassment and repetitive calls by debt collectors like Comenity Bank? You should know that you have rights, even if you owe these companies money.

If Comenity Bank or other debt collectors are harassing you about your Z Gallerie credit card debt, then you should contact a consumer rights attorney immediately. Attorney Paul Mankin knows how these companies operate, and he can help you make the calls stop. Call Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC today at 800-219-3577.

Who Is Z Gallerie?

Z Gallerie was originally founded in 1979 as a small poster shop in Sherman Oaks, California. The company began opening retail locations in 1982 that sold a wider range of items, including home furnishings.

In 1983, Z Gallerie opened a combination store that sold posters, other artwork, home furnishings, and home accessories. It was based in San Francisco, California. By 2009, the chain had nearly 55 retail stores open.

In April 2009, Z Gallerie filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, from which they emerged with a $22 million financing package from Wells Fargo Business Credit. In 2014, the company was acquired by Brentwood Associates Private Equity V LP.

Then, in March 2019, Z Gallerie again announced a voluntary petition to restructure under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. At that time, DirectBuy acquired Z Gallerie through a bankruptcy auction for $20.3 million. The acquisition included the retailer’s headquarters in Gardena, California, as well as 32 stores. They announced that 17 locations would be closed.

As of October 2022, Z Gallerie had 25 retail store locations. Half their locations were located in California, Florida, and Texas.

Why Is Comenity Bank Calling About My Z Gallerie Credit Account?

Z Gallerie offers several credit options, including a buy now, pay later program and a credit card. Their credit card accounts are owned and operated by Comenity Bank.

If you miss a payment or fall behind on your credit account, then Comenity Bank will call you to try to collect the debt. They may also hire a third-party debt collection agency to make calls on their behalf. If they are unsuccessful in collecting money from you, they may sell your debt to another company. That company will have the same rights to collect what they think you owe.

Comenity Bank and its debt collectors are known to use harassment and intimidation to get money from debtors. However, these tactics are illegal and violate state and federal consumer protection laws.

How Does Comenity Bank Violate Consumer Protection Laws?

Each year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) receives more than 200,000 complaints about harassment by debt collectors like Comenity Bank. Those creditors and debt collection companies often violate state and federal laws, including the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA).

Some of the illegal actions taken by these entities include:

  • Using abusive or obscene language on phone calls
  • Making false claims that a lawsuit will be filed against a debtor
  • Calling repetitively or an unreasonable number of times
  • Calling extremely early or late (before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.)
  • Discussing your debt with unauthorized parties

Creditors should be held accountable for violating consumer rights. You can file a complaint against them or even a credit card harassment lawsuit. You may be entitled to compensation for the harassment you’ve endured.

Are There Laws That Protect Consumers Who Owe Money?

Yes, there are state and federal laws that protect consumers who owe creditors money. Those laws include the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Many states also have consumer protection laws, such as California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA).

  • FDCPA – This federal law prohibits unfair debt collection practices and illegal harassment against debtors. Violations should be reported to the FTC. Under this law, you can get statutory compensation for harassment you’ve faced.
  • TCPA – This federal law prohibits creditor harassment when a telephone is used by marketers and debt collectors. It also allows the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to operate the national Do-Not-Call List.
  • RFDCPA – This is a California state law that protects residents. It operates like many other state consumer protection laws, mandating creditors to treat debtors with fairness and honesty. Under the RFDCPA, debtors who are harassed can get statutory compensation as well as money for emotional damages.

How Much Is My Z Gallerie Credit Card Lawsuit Worth?

If you have been harassed by creditors or debt collectors, you may be able to collect money for your damages. The exact value of your case depends on several factors, including:

  • The specific laws that have been violated by the creditors
  • The number of violations by the creditors
  • Your actual damages

Federal laws like the FDCPA allow you to collect up to $1,000 in statutory damages. You can also get money to pay for attorney fees and court costs.

California’s RFDCPA and many other state consumer protection laws allow you to get even more. While you can collect statutory compensation, you can also get money for emotional damages. Some people in California have gotten as much as $300,000 for emotional distress caused by creditors.

Contact a Z Gallerie Credit Card Harassment Lawyer Today

Credit card harassment is illegal. Despite this, creditors like Comenity Bank and their third-party debt collectors often use unfair and dishonest tactics when trying to collect money. Remember, you have rights, even if you are behind on your Z Gallerie credit card account payments.

Attorney Paul Mankin can make the harassment stop. He will directly contact your creditors and tell them to treat you fairly or they will be reported to the FTC, FCC, or state authorities. Most creditors will quickly change their tune when a consumer rights attorney gets involved. Call Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC at 800-219-3577 for a consultation of you