The Law Office of Paul Mankin

Credit Report FAQs

If you have false information on your credit report, it could be costing you money. You may also find it more difficult to obtain the credit you need.

At the Law Office of Paul Mankin, we help people correct false information appearing on their credit reports. We provide these services at no charge, because we make credit reporting agencies pay for their mistakes.

Call us at 1-800-654-9517 for a free consultation. We represent people throughout California from offices near San Diego.

Frequently Asked Questions About Credit Reports

Some of the most commonly asked questions consumers ask us include the following:

How does false credit information end up on a person's credit record?

Banks, credit issuers and credit reporting agencies routinely make mistakes when transmitting and collecting credit information. A charge appearing on a credit card could have been for the wrong amount or it was not really made by you. Victims of identity theft almost always end up with false information on their credit reports.

What are the consequences of having inaccurate information on my credit report?

If the information is “negative” (such as late payments, a default, tax lien or bankruptcy), you may find it more difficult to obtain credit financing for the purchase of a house or a car. You may still be able to obtain a new credit card, but with a higher rate of interest and a lower credit limit.

How do I go about getting false credit information removed from my credit report?

Our law firm can handle all aspects of your case at no charge to you. We can even make the credit reporting agency pay compensation and attorney fees. The process is as follows:

  • In a free initial consultation, we can explain the process and answer your questions. We will also provide a free credit report analysis.
  • You will need to provide us with details concerning the account or accounts in question, copies of statements, letters from collection agencies, etc.
  • You may have to answer some questions via a written questionnaire or by phone, though this is not always necessary.

We will do everything else needed to obtain results for you.

How much will it cost me to get false credit information removed from my credit rating?

We work on contingency, meaning that attorney fees and legal costs will be paid by the credit reporting agency. Your only investment will be the time you spend providing us with the information we need to file your claim.

I believe I have false information on my credit record. Can I sue the credit rating agency for damages?


  • If you suffered no actual harm, the credit reporting agency will pay you up to $1,000 for each willful violation.
  • If you suffered actual financial losses due to a credit reporting agency’s negligence, you can claim the full amount of those losses.
  • In some cases, punitive damages may be awarded.

The credit reporting agency will also pay attorney fees and legal costs.

How long will it take before false credit information is removed from my credit record?

This depends on the responsiveness of the particular credit bureau. It can take as little as 30 days to clear up bad information on a credit report. In other cases, it may take four to nine months.

I'm currently signed up and working with a "credit repair" agency. Can you still represent me?

Yes. Our work will not conflict with any services they are providing. In fact, after our work is done, you may have no further need of their services.


How long does credit information stay on a person's credit record?

“Positive” information is treated differently than “negative” information (such as late paid accounts, judgments and bankruptcy).

If you have an open credit card or revolving account, that information will stay on your credit record for as long as you have that account. If you close the account, positive information will stay on your record for 10 years from the date of last activity.

For negative information, durations are generally as follows:

Late paid accounts — Negative information will stay on your record for seven years from the date of last activity. If your account has gone into collections, the information will stay on your credit record for seven years, plus 180 days from the date of the delinquency that triggered the collection activity.

Bankruptcy — The record of a bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for a period of 10 years.

Judgments — This will stay on your record for seven years from the date the judgment is entered or the expiration of the statute of limitations, whichever is longer.

Tax liens — Paid tax liens will stay on your credit report for seven years after payment. An unpaid tax lien will stay on your record for 15 years.

How extensive is the problem?

Studies show that about one-third of the adult population has erroneous information on their credit records. Since credit information stays on credit records for years, this number will probably increase, unless the credit reporting agencies improve their methods.

Contact A Lawyer

For a free initial consultation and a free credit report analysis, call the Law Office of Paul Mankin at 800-654-9517 or contact us online.