If you have a credit card of any sort, then you are well experienced with debt. Debts are not the most prized route to take when attempting to get money. However, sometimes they are necessary for certain emergencies. Things such as medical bills, housing payments, and other such problems can cause you to have to take on debt, and possibly thousands of dollars in debt.
In the instances that you are unable to pay back debts in a timely fashion, there is a fair chance that a debt collection agency will be sent out to collect the debt. This can be done in a number of ways, and there are often too many debt collection agencies to keep track of them all. With new companies entering the business every year, it can be difficult to figure out who is a real debt collection agency, and who is in it to try to scam you out of your money.
Allen & Associates is said to be a debt collection agency. Here are the things you need to know if you have been contacted by Allen & Associates.
What is Allen & Associates?
When talking about debt collection agencies, it is widely known that they usually collect on multiple different types of debts. These can range from medical debts, to credit card debts, and everything in between. However, Allen & Associates is not seen to be in that business at all.
Allen & Associates is listed as an employment counselor for multiple areas within the better business bureau database. They go by many different names, each extremely similar to the next. They go from Allen & Associates, to also Allen and Associates, and K P Allen and Associates. It is said that their main headquarters are located in Maitland, Florida. However, they do have other branches listed.
Is Allen & Associates a legit Debt Collection Agency?
At this time, it can be seen that Allen & Associates is an out of business debt collection agency. As stated, they are listed as an employment counselor, and have no ties to debt collection.
It is also stated on the BBB that Allen & Associates is believed to be out of business. This is because the BBB has attempted to contact Allen & Associates by means of calls, mail, and email as well, to no avail. This is a potential sign that the name Allen & Associates is being used in an attempt at a scam, utilizing an old business’ name to aid with cover.
Allen & Associates Contact Information
The information below is suspected to be out of date information. All numbers and mailing addresses should be taken as disconnected and unverified. If you have been contacted by a company attempting to use the contact information listed below, it is important to report it to the proper authorities.
Address: 485 N. Keller Road Suite 500 Maitland, Florida 32751
Other Address: 2600 Lake Lucien Drive, Suite 410 Maitland, Florida 32751
Other Address: 151 S Wymore Rd, Suite 100 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714
Other Address: 6600 France Ave S Ste 204 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435-1800
Other Address: 6506 North Oak Traffic Way Kansas City, Missouri 64118
Other Address: 1300 E Woodfield Rd Ste 300 Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-4984
Other Address: 3001 N Rocky Point Dr Ste 200 Rocky Point, Florida 33607-5802
Phone Number: 1-407-475-5500
Other Phone: 1-407-660-8899
Other Phone: 1-866-953-8800
Fax Number: 1-407-475-5517
Other Fax: 1-407-660-8188
Other Fax: 1-407-475-5505
How can I protect myself and fight back against Allen & Associates?
As the so-called debt collectors from Allen and Associates may be running a scam, there are many ways that you can protect yourself against such attempts and threats. If there is an attempt to collect on a debt that you do not recognize, you are within your rights to ask for a verification notice or letter with proper identification. This can be in many forms, such as a letter sent to your mail, or internet identification numbers and registry information.
If the harassment continues even after asking for verification, you may be well off getting yourself a dedicated and experienced debt collection harassment attorney who can potentially assert a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act claim on your behalf. These trained attorneys and lawyers have a plethora of knowledge and information that can help you combat the growing threats and attempts of the debt collectors, or scammers, at getting your money. This can be done by assisting you in gathering information, identifying what is harassment and against the laws, all while stopping and reporting the debt collector harassment to the proper authorities.
Not only can we help you to defend against collection harassment, we can also help to build a case under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and assist you in understanding where the illegal collection patterns are for debt collectors. We are also able to help facilitate any communications or discussions between the parties, ensuring that nothing you say can be used against you.
The most important bit of information in your fight is to always remain vigilant. No matter who you have at your side, it can seem like a daunting battle against such a large company and agency. If you have ever been the subject of:
- Multiple calls per week from a third party collection agency
- Multiple calls in the early morning or late night from debt collectors.
- Violent and belligerent language and harassment from debt collectors.
- Threats of arrests or poor credit due to outstanding debts.
- Having your friends, family, and coworkers harassed by debt collectors.
- Automated robocalls from third party collection agencies.
Then you may have a case available. So do not wait, make sure to give us a call, and get started fighting back against the debt collection harassment. We are experienced debt collection harassment attorneys.