There are many debt collection agencies that are currently in business. These companies prey on the fact that you may have a debt that needs to be paid off, as they tend to buy the debts from the original owners a much lower amount that what is owed.
Here is what you need to know about Americol, and what may happen if they contact you.
What is Americol?
Americol is listed as a debt collection agency that serves the Los Angeles and Silicon Valley area. They are stated to have one employee, and have been in business since 2009. They work as a debt collection buyer system, as well as a third-hand collection representative.
Is Americol a legit Debt Collection Agency?
According to the Better Business Bureau, they are said to reside in California. However, they do not have any primary information, and have a rating of NR through the BBB. They are also not accredited by the BBB.
This may all stem from the fact that the company is no longer in business. According to the BBB, all of the phone numbers that were previously listed on the BBB were disconnected. Not only that, when the BBB attempted to send mail to the company, the mail was returned as undeliverable.
Americol Contact Information:
Address: PO Box 1001, Canyon Country, CA 91386-1001
Does Americol have Complaints against them?
Americaol does not have any complaints listed against them on the BBB database. They also have no reviews listed through the BBB.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has no information on Americol within their Consumer Complaint Database. There is no mention of them even under their alternative name, Americol, Inc.
What does this mean for Americol?
As listed above, if you have been contacted by Americol at this point, then you are most likely being scammed. Since the company is listed as being out of business by the BBB, it is safe to assume that they should not be contacting anyone about a debt or debts they may have.
According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), it is also vastly illegal for them to be harassing you and badgering you through phone calls or emails. If you have had several phone calls from a company known as Americol, then whoever is calling you is in violation of federal laws, and can be punished by the courts.
How can I protect myself and fight back against Americol?
So how can you protect yourself against such scammers? Quite easily. The first step is to quell their attempts at getting any information from you. They will most likely attempt a scare and fear tactic by saying that you “Are being pursued” or that you “Are behind and have people looking for you.” If you are told any of these, or other such lines, understand that the first thing you should do is ask for verification of the debt. Verification can come in many forms, such as a written letter, or an email with personal information on the debt. You can also tell them to stop harassing you, and to stop calling you, as that is well within your rights as well.
If they continue to harass you through excessive phone calls or robocalls, then you should hire an experienced and knowledgeable debt collector harassment attorney. We here at Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC understand that you may not know what debt collector harassment is, or what it looks like. As such, our experienced team can help you identify the harassment, stop the harassment, and then report the harassment to the proper authorities.
Not only can we help you to defend against harassment, we can also help to build a case, and assist you in understanding where the illegal collection patterns are for debt collectors. We are also able to help facilitate any communications or discussions between the parties, ensuring that nothing you say can be used against you.
The most important bit of information in your fight is to always remain vigilant. No matter who you have at your side, it can seem like a daunting battle against such a large company and agency. If you have ever been the subject of:
- Multiple calls per week from a third party collection agency
- Multiple calls in the early morning or late night from debt collectors.
- Violent and belligerent language and harassment from debt collectors.
- Threats of arrests or poor credit due to outstanding debts.
- Having your friends, family, and coworkers harassed from debt collectors.
- Automated robocalls from third party collection agencies.
Then you may have a case available. So do not wait, make sure to give us a call, and get started fighting back against the debt collection harassment.