The Law Office of Paul Mankin

Is the debt collection agency AMS Servicing, LLC harassing you?

Debt collection has not been a new thing, with many companies having been in the business since the early 1900s. In such cases, it is not uncommon to have companies wane in and out of work, and for larger, up and coming debt collection agencies to overtake and absorb smaller chains.

In such cases of an absorption, or an overtake, it can be difficult to see who is still an active collection agency, and who is not.  There are a few things you need to know when talking about AMS Servicing LLC, and how to protect yourself if they contact you.

What is AMS Servicing LLC?

There is no listed AMS Servicing LLC on primary databases of debt collection agencies and businesses. The Better Business Bureau has no listing for an AMS Servicing LLC or anything affiliated with them. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also seems to have no record of an AMS Servicing LLC.

Is AMS Servicing LLC a legit Debt Collection Agency?

Just because they cannot be found, does not mean they are not legitimate. The reason that there is no listing for AMS Servicing LLC is that they were bought out in 2013 by Seneca Mortgage Investments LP, a joint venture of Arbor Commercial Mortgage LLC and EJF Capital LLC.

Seneca Mortgage is listed on the BBB as a multi-location mortgage broker, dealing mostly with setting mortgages and helping those that ask for financial advice. They currently hold an A+ rating with the BBB with no accreditation, and have been in business for 15 years.

AMS Servicing LLC Contact Information

For clarification, we will be putting information on Seneca Mortgage LLC here as they were the company that absorbed AMS Servicing LLC.

Address: Harmony, PA 16037-7239

Other Address: PO Box 212, 556 Main St. #101B Harmony, PA 16037


Phone Number: 724-816-6357

Other Phone: 724-452-1202

Fax Number: 412-774-1781

Does AMS Servicing LLC have Complaints against them?

AMS Servicing LLC does not have complaints made against them. The BBB and CFPB’s CCD have no registered AMS Servicing LLC in their listing.

There are also no listed complaints against Seneca Mortgage LLC in the BBB database, or the CFPB’s CCD.

Should I be worried about AMS Servicing LLC or Seneca Mortgage LLC?

Because of the merger between AMS Servicing LLC and Seneca Mortgage LLC, there are some difficulties that occur. The relative new startup of Seneca Mortgage LLC means there is not a lot of information to go off of, and it seems they deal primarily with being an online provider.

Because of this, there are dangers in working with them. If you have been contacted by AMS Servicing LLC, or a company calling themselves that, you are most likely dealing with a scammer or illegal company. Since the business AMS Servicing LLC has been acquired by Seneca Mortgage, the business is no longer in service at all. As such, assume all business done by a representative calling themselves AMS Servicing LLC is a scammer, and should not be trusted.

If a representative is calling you on behalf of Seneca Mortgage LLC, approach with caution. Because they are all online, it is extremely difficult getting them to respond to your messages, as well as getting a hold of them. They do have a PO box, but that can mean next to nothing, as the BBB states that they are non-responsive when it comes to mailing, or at least very delayed on the response.

How can I protect myself and fight back against AMS Servicing LLC?

If you or a loved one have been contacted by a representative stating that they are from AMS Servicing LLC, or from Seneca Mortgage LLC, then there are a few steps you should take to protecting yourself. The first step that should be taken is asking about the legitimacy of the debt itself. This can be done in a number of different ways, such as asking for information on the original debt holder, and contacting the previous debt holder personally, and verifying the debt. You can also ask for written verification of the debt, which can be mailed to you. If they cannot provide these details, then you are not required to pay any amount to them at all, and are free to request that they stop harassing you and those you love.

If they continue to badger and harass you, then it may be time to get an experienced debt collection harassment attorney or consumer protection lawyer on your side to help you. We here at Law Office of Paul Mankin, APC are well-versed in dealing with such debt collection agency harassment. With our experienced team of attorneys and lawyers, we are able to help assist you in building a case against these scammers and debt collectors by helping you identify debt collection harassment, as well as getting them to stop the harassment, and reporting them to the proper courts of authority.

Not only can we help you to defend against harassment, we can also help to build a case, and assist you in understanding where the illegal collection patterns are for debt collectors. We are also able to help facilitate any communications or discussions between the parties, ensuring that nothing you say can be used against you.

The most important bit of information in your fight is to always remain vigilant. No matter who you have at your side, it can seem like a daunting battle against such a large company and agency. If you have ever been the subject of:

  • Multiple calls per week from a third party collection agency
  • Multiple calls in the early morning or late night from debt collectors.
  • Violent and belligerent language and harassment from debt collectors.
  • Threats of arrests or poor credit due to outstanding debts.
  • Having your friends, family, and coworkers harassed from debt collectors.
  • Automated robocalls from third party collection agencies.

Then you may have a case available. So do not wait, make sure to give us a call, and get started fighting back against the debt collection harassment.