What is Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC?
Anderson, Crenshaw & Associates, LLC is a debt collection agency that was founded in Texas and incorporated in Utah in 2005.
Is Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC a legit Debt Collection Agency
Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC appears to be a law office that does some debt collection work, but the collections are likely done under a different business name. They have been recognized by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 2008 but are not BBB rated, are not accredited, and the owner of business has not claimed the BBB business listing.
Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC Contact Information:
12801 N Central Expy Ste 250
Dallas, TX 75243-1704
(866) 400-3550 (phone)
(214) 368-2980 (alt. phone)
What kind of complaints does Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC have against them?
There are no BBB complaints and no Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) complaints, but that is likely only because Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC is not recognized as a legitimate collector. Many complaint board entries describe blatant scams, and consumers should use caution when responding to anyone associated with this business.
Are Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC’s Practices Legal?
The FTC enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which makes it illegal for debt collectors to use abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices when they collect personal debts, including credit card debt, auto loans, medical bills, student loans, mortgage, and other household debts. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors are, generally, allowed to call, send letters, send emails, or even send text messages to collect on debts, but they are not allowed to bother consumers at inconvenient times without the debtor’s permission or at locations such as a debtor’s place of employment unless personal calls are permitted by the employer.
Many of the consumer complaints lodged against collector like Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates represent activity that might violate the FDCPA, including harassing consumers by repeatedly calling and then refusing to provide information sufficient to identity the debt or even refusing to discuss possible payment options. This behavior is indicative of the crooked collection practice where a collector will make feigned attempts at collecting on a debt solely for the appearance and record of the attempt. The collector often then plays the long game by repeating this behavior but preventing the consumer from actually paying off the debt until significant interest and other applicable costs have accrued. This a blatantly illegal practice under both state and federal law, and remedy is available to consumers who act in a timely manner. In addition to state remedies, you could be entitled to up to $1000.00 in statutory damages under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
How can I defend myself against a debt collector like Anderson, Crenshaw, & Associates, LLC?
Complaints regarding a debt collector in any state may be filed with the Federal Trade Commission at www.ftc.gov or (877) FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), and complaints regarding any debt collector or other business can be made at BBB complaints. Texas residents can find consumer rights information on the Attorney General’s website at https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection. If you believe you have a claim for collector harassment or are a victim of another violation of state or federal debtor’s rights, you should speak with a consumer rights lawyer or debt collector harassment attorney immediately. Contact us today to discuss your matter and see how we can help at no cost to you.