On behalf of Law Office of Paul Mankin posted in blog on Friday, September 29, 2017.
When you originally moved into your apartment in Los Angeles, you were probably excited. With a fresh coat of paint, new carpet and working appliances, you were happy. But now, the honeymoon has ended. You might be dealing with unlivable conditions or late repairs.
Do not neglect the warning signs of an uninhabitable apartment. Your landlord has a legal responsibility to make sure you live in a comfortable, healthy and safe environment. Here are three indications your apartment has become uninhabitable.
1. Mold
Exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions. While mold allergens are not toxic, they can cause significant irritation, including:
- Respiratory problems
- Red eyes
- Skin rash
The exact effects depend on various factors, including whether you have mold allergies and what type of mold is present. According to the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), mold that affects your health and safety or the livability of your apartment is a violation of the warranty of habitability.
2. Cockroaches and bedbugs
You do not want to see a cockroach scurrying across your floors or walls. Apart from physically seeing a roach, you might also see cockroach feces or egg casings. Cockroaches can transmit diseases and exacerbate asthma. You might also notice bedbugs in your bed or in piles of clothes. Bedbugs can cause rashes and itching. The DCA states your apartment may be considered unlivable if it is not free of vermin.
3. Lack of heating
Even in Los Angeles, it can get cold in your apartment. Your heater should be in good working order according to the DCA. If your heating facilities are not operational, your landlord may be violating the housing code.
Any of these three conditions can result in significant discomfort and health complications. If you notice any of these hazards, you should let your landlord know. If you do not get a prompt response and solution, you should consider taking legal action.